
Sim’s Rules and guidelines


If you’d like to find out more about the world of Gor, this web page will give you the essential information.

1. Follow all Linden Lab rules. No exception : Second Life terms & conditions

2. This is a Gorean sim. You are expected to dress and act accordingly.

4. No applications needed.

5. Human, Kur, and Gorean animal avatars are allowed. Any other roles need to go through an application process to be approved by Admin.

6. Ar’s Station supports dice combat and ZCS. Dice combat is preferred. However, it is up to the defender in each situation as to what manner of fighting will take place.

7. The zCS economy system is used in Ar’s Station.

8. Wear the ZCS meter at all times.

9. Do not switch your meter to OOC in a public area. If going Away, please try to park your avatar in an out of the way area.

10. Be respectful to all players OOC, regardless of your IC role. Attempting to bully or manipulate a player OOC based on your IC station will not be tolerated.

11. No force collaring without story consent or approval.

11a. Exceptions may be made if a player is pushing the boundaries of what is considered acceptable behavior for a Free. (ie: free women showing too much skin, free women behaving in an overtly sexual manner, any free breaking laws, etc.)

12. Slave players are welcome to have an NPC owner either permanently, or until you find a place in sim you are comfortable.

13. IC positions of power will need to be role played into.

14. Physicians are welcome to use the hospital freely, and charge whatever they see fit for their services.

15. There are no city slavers. Each slaver is the owner of their own private business.

15a. There will be a “main” slaver in Ar’s Station who will control the slaver house. Any additional slavers will be encouraged to work with them, with the option to possibly expand later if need be.
15b. Any slave player owned by an NPC is welcome to negotiate their own auction or sale.

16. Everyone is welcome, regardless of sexual orientation whether OOC or IC. There will be zero tolerance for any negative OOC comments pertaining to this rule.

17. We understand the sci-fi/technological aspects of Gor. You are permitted to include or develop technological devices permitted within the bounds of the technological laws of the Priest-Kings. However, as with any new technology in Gor, this should be done covertly.

17a. No chemical weaponry including gunpowder. No electronic communication. No mechanical transportation. No heavy/metal torso armor.
17b. Examples of technology: electric heating blankets, electric light bulbs, a lighter/firemaker, telescopes, computerized analyzers, mechanical translators, etc.

18. Every player has the reasonable right to life. However, this does not permit an individual to do repeated disruptive behavior, or to act in a way that is not Gorean. Trolling or harassment is absolutely not permitted and will result in that player being banned.

18a. If the story leads to your character possibly being killed you are able to FtB the scene and either role play out serious injuries if it is deemed you will play out those injuries appropriately.
18b. If your character dies, it is permanent.

19. Each player is responsible for moderating their own OOC and IC experiences. It is expected that each individual acts like an adult and adheres to the rules of the sim. There are no moderators, and the Admin are not responsible for moderating your time in Ar’s Station.

19a. You are allowed to report any person who is breaking the rules of Ar’s Station. If an individual is breaking the rules of Linden Labs, please mute that individual and file a report to Linden Labs.
19b. If you need a roleplay situation handled, then please see someone of authority in character.

If you’d like to find out more about the world of Gor, this web page will give you the essential information.

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